Monday Moment: Fitness Routine


Top: Gap // Shorts: Gap // Shoes: Nike 

I have been so busy recently that this past week was the first time I realized swimsuit season is here! Since I am just now focusing on the fact that I might have to wear a bikini soon (ekk!) it is time to step up my workout routine. When I have time to go to the gym, I like to focus on cardio and usually stick to an interval routine. I typically use the stair stepper or a treadmill at a high incline in order to get the most out of my cardio intervals. POPSUGAR has some great treadmill routines that I like to alternate between.

I use a few weight machines at the gym, but I try my best to do a weight routine every morning during the week. It is a goal to do a full weight workout every morning after breakfast, but let’s honest, I am not perfect so it is rare when I do this every day during a week. I use the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Workout guide for most of my routine. Kayla’s guide is a great investment with circuits to target every area and they are easy to do at home. I also love Barefoot Blonde’s ab video (linked below) because it is a very practical ab workout and you will see results quickly. I use eight pound weights most of the time and try to do anywhere between 50 to 200 reps (depending on the amount of sleep I got the night before).

I am wearing the mesh-stripe racerback tank and gFit running shorts in my workout pictured above. I mentioned last week that I swear by the racerback tank from Gap and own it in multiple colors! xoxo

Images via Denise Thompson.