a pearl kind of girl - Taylor Phillips

Taylor Phillips started A Pearl Kind of Girl to fill a creative void during college. She was always enjoyed photography and design, which made blogging a natural hobby between her studies. Taylor now lives in Dallas, Texas where she works full time in marketing and is married to her “photographer” Alex. She continues to blog in hopes to inspire and provide knowledge everyone who visits A Pearl Kind of Girl. Taylor loves a cup of coffee, her golden retriever (@sirwinstonphilllips), and of course wearing pearls.

Image via Alex Phillips.


I love hearing from my readers, but I do reserve the right to remove any comments containing offensive language, spam or inappropriate remarks.


I love trying new products and sharing great finds with my readers. I am willing to host giveaways if I deem the product appropriate for A Pearl Kind of Girl and my readers. If interested please email taylor@apearlkindofgirl.com.


If you are interested in purchasing space to advertise content, which relates to A Pearl Kind of Girl, please email taylor@apearlkindofgirl.com.

Taylor Phillips takes all photographs and is responsible for all design, unless otherwise stated. A Pearl Kind of Girl is created through WordPress and the theme is Brixton, customized by Taylor Phillips.